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Maria Theresa

One of the greatest empresses of Europe was no other than MARIA THERESA. 


Maria Theresa (1717-1780) was the only female and the last ruler of the House of Habsburg. She was also the mother of the notorious Marie Antoinette. She was the leader of Enlightened Absolutism by using the concepts of the Enlightenment to strengthen the crown and reduce peasants’ burden. 


Her ultimate goal was to create a strong army. However, after losing the Seven Years’ War, she decided to refrain from any other military expeditions and focused solely on domestic development. She encouraged better commerce and agriculture and developed a new tax system. Despite her liberal reforms, Maria Theresa refused to allow religious pluralism and only supported the state church. 



Recommended movies and books: 

🎞 Maria Theresia (2017) 

📔 In Triumph’s Wake (Julia P. Geraldi) 

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