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Isabella I of Castile

Dubbed as Europe’s first great modern queen, ISABELLA I OF CASTILE, together with her husband, Ferdinand II, successfully unified Spain. She also played a crucial role in the re-discovery of the New World by financially supporting Christopher Columbus. 


Isabella (1451-1504) is also known for completing the Reconquista, consolidating Spanish heritage and identity and converting to Catholic. After she and her husband won over the Emirate of Granada, the only region in the Iberian Peninsula where the Muslims resided, they proclaimed a series of edicts that forced the Muslims to convert to Christianity but later expelled them from the territory. 


In 1492, Isabella sponsored Columbus for a brand-new expedition with the hope of reaching the Indies and gained more lands and resources. After Columbus found the “New World” and brought back ‘unclaimed’ resources and territories, Spain entered the Golden Age of Exploration and Colonization. In 1494, Isabella signed Treaty of Tordesillas with the king of Portugal, agreeing to divide the world into half.  


Can you imagine if the first person to “discover” the New World was not Columbus, what would the world look like today? What if Isabella did not finance Columbus, would we have the region of what we call America today? Would the Spanish play an important role in the conquest of the natives? What would it be like if the whole American continent is filled with Asians or Africans instead of European descendants? 



Recommended movies and books: 

🎞 Isabel (2012-2014) 

📔 Isabella of Castile: Europe’s First Great Queen (Giles Tremlett) 

📔 Isabella: The Warrior Queen (Kristin Downey) 

📔 Castile for Isabella (Jean Plaidy) 

📔 In Triumph’s Wake (Julia P. Geraldi) 

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